Social Security Assistance

Social Security Assistance

Centerlink uses a set of tests, including the income test and the assets test, to assess your wealth and make sure that you receive the right amount of money from the government in the form of the Age Pension. Other rules such as deeming rates and Work Bonus may impact your pension payments.

We can help you navigate the rules that Centrelink uses to calculate your financial situation, and structure a financial strategy that will provide the right amount of income to maintain your lifestyle into retirement.

Some common questions that you may need clarified:

  • When are you eligible for the Age Pension
  • Are you entitled to receive a fortnightly payment and if so how much
  • How are you assessed
  • What is the income test and assets test
  • What are deeming rates
  • What are the rules about gifting
  • What is the work bonus

With the ever changing rules, it’s hard to keep up. This is where a financial adviser can you help to keep abreast of the changes to ensure you are receiving the maximum benefits that you are entitled to.